The Bloom Forum | Fab 15 | Project 52 | Week 7 | Hot or Cold

Another week for The Bloom Forum’s Project 52 group. This week our theme is Something Hot or Cold. A couple of weeks ago I would have had really cool ice storm pics.. but this week we’ve had 70 degree weather… not too hot. So I found myself some artificial heat… a gas stove! This week was good because it made me get out there and work with the settings on my camera to try to catch a constantly moving brightly lit target. I would have KILLED to have my 100mm L IS Macro here already… but alas it is on a boat/plane/homing pigeon somewhere over the Pacific Ocean… making its way to little ole me. But I digress… My point is that it would have been awesome to get a little closer in on this, but my focus wouldn’t get that close… NOT so with my new baby!!! Hopefully it will be here in time for next weeks post!

Now head on over to Carrie Terrones, Las Vegas Photographer and see what she’s got! And don’t forget to leave us some love!!!


Stacey S - What a great idea for this week! Awesome shot.

AmandaB - oooh, that’s neat!

Cara - Fabulous shot! Have fun when your new baby arrives too!

robyn - very neat… love that blue color. enjoy your new lens when if finally comes home :)

kristin m. young - ok…way coooooolllll! can’t wait to see you with that macro!

Jessica N - Oh I love this shot. I wanted to much to shoot a blue flame but this rental has an electric stove. Congrats on your new macro. Can’t wait to see shots.

Tamara - neat shot. Looking forward to seeing your macro shots. I just got 100mm macro and am anxious to use it on a newborn this wednesday.

Carrie - Wow….love what you did without your macro….can’t wait to see what you do with it!

Carrie Owens - fantastic image! Very cool shot!

Christina - Great composition & DOF. Cool shot!

Amy Lucy - That blue is so vibrant! Very creative shot!

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