The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 25 | Independence

Its July. Its the fourth ( well almost), and its HOT! This week our Bloom Forum Project 52 group has chosen the theme of Independence. Shocker… I know! Well, I hope my group-mates will forgive me for this picture heavy post. I kinda got carried away.

Today is actually the 3rd of July. Two years ago, a new little being came into this world, one that I KNOW will bring both joy and frustration into my future. Meet Coley. The most independent 2 year old that I know. In fact you can probably ask anyone that knows her. She can “DO- IT -MY- SEFF!” She has been this way since she came into this world. When we switched her from daycare to Agape Montessori she was 18 months old. Because Cameron went there they let her in early into the 2-year old room. She quickly showed them that she could hang with the big boys and girls… And I mean 5 and 6 year olds. They joke that they are going to move her up to the 3-4 year olds this year. Probably just fine if you ask her.

My mom say’s I’m in trouble. I think she acts just like my sister, so I guess she oughta know. I thought that SHE should have had the independent, strong-willed child. Guess I will just have to send her to live with her Aunt Shanon when she hits about 13.

Luckily she has the best Big Brother to look after her. She tried to copy everything he does. And he of course loves it…. most of the time.

Sorry for being so picture heavy this week. She’s a big girl and she is so fun to photograph I just couldn’t stop. I hope you will all wish my Independent little Coley Bug a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!! I love you, sweetheart!

Now don’t forget to make the rounds. We are switching up the order this week so hopefully I read the directions correctly!!! Hop on over and see what Cara of Victoria, Australia has in store for us!!


Jessica Holden - Oh, Rachel, these are adorable–she has such a contagious smile!!!!! Wish her a happy birthday from me… And a happy birthday to you, to, Mama–it’s a very special day for you too!!!!

Stacey S - She’s absolutely adorable and happy birthday to her!! Love all the wonderful photos! I think you should make a mini-album with these. :)

Christina - Happy birthday Miss Independent! That’s what I call my girl because she’s the same way. She can do it all herself. My son who is 3 years older still wants me to do things for him. Funny how different kids are. :)

JessicaN - Oh my these are amazing. Hope she has the most amazing birthday ever!!

Cara - Happy Birthday Coley, love these Rachel. Her expression in the 2nd one down with the drink says it all. The black & whites of her big brother helping and guiding her on the bike are fabulous reminders of what sort of big brother he is, very special.

jules - these are adorable … I’m sure she’ll give you fits some days but she’s going to grow up to be such a confident and strong young girl!

Rachel - Oh my word!! Happy Birthday! Love the ones of them on the bike. Seriously. She is a doll!

Ali C - She is too cute! And you can tell she’s got some serious spunk!

Tamara - These are to cute!! Great way to document her birthday. LOVE the bw with big brother!!!

hillary d - Saw these over at Bloom Forum, but I just love the smiles and relationship between these two! Priceless photos they will cherish forever!

Amy Lucy - She is just the cutest thing ever. I love the ones of big brother helping her ride the bike. So precious!

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