The Bloom Forum | Fab 15 | Week 5 | Together

Another week for the Bloom Forum’s Fab 15! This week’s theme was “Together”

I had all sorts of ideas for this week. Funny thing about creativity… it takes the control away from your brain sometimes and just “happens” when you least expect it. For those of you far and away… Mississippi got snow this week. Something that rarely happens. Wednesday night the kids and I stayed “in town” with my parents after work because of the 30 minute drive north to our house and the horrible road conditions. Travis was home and held down the fort with the animals. The next night… He worked overtime. The kids and I got home late so it was too dark and cold to play in any left over snow. Friday… again.. it just didn’t happen. Well today, THREE days later and with temperatures in the 60’s, we are all at home getting to spend some time… TOGETHER… and low and behold there was a little corner of untouched snow still hanging around in a far corner of our property. So we decided to take the kids out to play in it. Travis gets the creative credit for this idea. As soon as he suggested it I knew it would be perfect for this weeks theme. ( GO TRAVIS)

I’m including some other pics of our adventures today. We all had a blast!

Now head on over to Carrie Terrones, Las Vegas Photographer and see what togetherness SHE found!


Stacey S - I love seeing your family “together” – such fun and happy photos!

Amy Lucy - What a beautiful family you have! I love the hand print photo — so creative!

Rachel - Aww.. I love the handprints!! And all the snow pics!

robyn - great job… i love it! i initially thought of doing something with all of our hands too!!

beth schmidt - I just love the “together” handprints!

AmandaB - the handprints are precious!

Erin Norman | Las Vegas Maternity Photographer - Yes, I’ve heard from my parents and friends back home. I still can’t believe MS has gotten so much snow this year, just crazy! Glad you did get to play in it some, that’s always fun. Love the handprints :)

Jessica N - What a wonderful day. I SO love the handprint shot. What an awesome idea!

Cara - The handprints are wonderful. It looked like a lot of fun!

Carrie - Love all of these shots..and so glad you included the images from your day. It looks like so much fun!

Tamara - Such fun family photos. Love the hand shot too!

Suzanne - I LOVE these, especially the handprints in the snow. That is so creative! I LOVE your logo too. This is the first time I am seeing it! Love your work girl!

Carrie Owens - what a great series of shots! Looks like you guys had a great day together!! :)

jules - such fun! love the handprints!

Lori - Oh I love the handprints in the snow picture! Don’t you love when the hubby gets in on the fun and comes up with a really great suggestion?!

kristin young - handprints in the snow…love it! glad that yal got through all that crazy snow.

christina - What a fun day! Cute idea with the hand-prints. Go Travis!

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