I got to meet Baxter for the first time today. He is a 1-2 year old Male Neutered Spitz with TONS of personality This one is a keeper for sure! If your interested PLEASE contact me or PAWS Rescue at leigh.conerly@ergon.com! Or check out their website!
I have decided to finally start publicizing my Pet Photography and Rescue Photography Services. I have been using my images on Facebook for a while now to try to place animals that end up without anywhere to go for a while now. Knowing that I may have at least helped someone decide to open their heart and homes to these furry creatures just really brings me a joy that cannot be equaled! I hope you enjoy this gallery of images that I have compiled that includes some of the rescues that have gone on to find their forever homes! Also included are some of my recent Pet Sessions as well. Enjoy!!

I am SO glad to be back in the thick of it! Seems like the past month has been wrought with hectic schedules and My Blog has been having SERIOUS issues. About 6 weeks ago I apparently got hacked and have been dealing with the effects ever since. I would contact customer support.. they’d tweak it.. it would seemed to be fixed and then days later it would go down again. VERY frustrating… especially when you really don’t want to have to fork over a lot of cash on a hobbiest photoblog! I finally decided to purchase ProPhoto Blog by NetRivet Blogs ( notice the new digs??!?!) and I cannot tell you HOW MUCH EASIER customization is now!!! I should have done this ages ago. I also had to hire wewatchyourwebsite.com to actually clean out my blog codes and now they are on patrol! So far seems to be working well.. lets cross our fingers…and toes!
So the look will be continuing to change here over the next few weeks as I tweak a few things… Hope you all like it.
Now for the GOOD STUFF!!! The Bloom Forum Project 52! I am currently taking an online workshop over at Clickin Moms. You can read more about the workshop at Shooting 201. It has been such a challenge. There are SO many talented photographers in class and we have really been pushing ourselves to excel at our assignments. These were actually taken last week. They didn’t make the cut for my assignment. I still really like them though. We were challenged to shoot in full sun. Something which I AVOID like the plague. I scouted out this location and wanted it to have a very country feel to it… I think Cameron did a wonderful job being my model! And when I saw the theme for this week I was so happy that I would have a place to showcase them! Hope you all enjoy!
Dont forget to make the rounds!!! I cannot wait to see what Christina has in store for us!!!

These are fantastic Rachel! Love the country feel and full sun is so hard. And by the way, you will love your new PP3 blog! 😉
Sorry if i am doubling up but 1st shot came up as an error. Love these Rachel, you have done really well with the full sun. I desperately need to do a course that covers this as so many of the family moments I want to capture are in it.
Oh girl! Glad you got your blog issues sorted out! I really love your pictures this week- he is so handsome.
OMG love the new site… the pics are Soo very cute.
These are awesome. Love the location and what a cutie pie. The new blog looks amazing.
I’m so sorry you had blog trouble but I love your new look! These are great and you rocked the full sun!
These are GREAT! some of my favorites!