Confession time. Many of you know that I have been shooting pets and rescues for a while now. I often get emailed or pm’ed for advice on “how do I do it?” or “how do you get them to sit still?” Up until now, all of my rescues have been photographed at my clinic (I’m also a veterinarian) in either my studio in the barn or our fenced in exercise area. And although I have shot several dogs who were NOT interested in me at ALL or were scared and nervous, and somehow found a way to get them to engage with me for an image… I always felt like a hypocrite when I would get asked for advice on shooting shelter dogs, in a shelter environment because up til now, I haven’t actually done it myself! Well my friend at Paws Rescue had approached me about going down to our City Shelter to photograph animals. I will admit now… I was nervous about if I would be able to get the same emotions and imagery from those animals at the shelter. Where would we shoot? How would they react?
Well this morning Leigh and I made our first foray down there together with the intention of really just feeling things out and scouting for locations to shoot. We ended up shooting 17 dogs… and I feel like we barely scraped the surface of what potential is down there! I am so glad that I agreed to finally go. Not only do I hope that we can move some of these wonderful animals into homes, but it has given me a new perspective for shooting in that type of environment. I still have a lot to learn myself, but I plan on documenting and compiling some sort of tutorial or instructional material to share with those who want to do the same thing in there area. Honestly… Just going once in a while can potentially help so many animals who are otherwise forgotten. Our City Shelter in particular has been so poorly promoted for animal adoptions and PAWS rescue has pulled SO MANY WONDERFUL animals from there. I will be sharing more of the 17 dogs in the coming days, but for now here are a few to get started.
All these animals are available at the Vicksburg City Shelter on Business 61 North. Adoption Fee $20 636-6982 (The shelter does not vaccinate or spay and neuter, but PAWS Rescue is willing to help with this!) If you have any questions please email me and I can get you in touch with the right people!!
Male German Shorthair Pointer Mix Puppy

Female Terrier Mix Puppy ( mom is down below)

Female Terrier Mix Puppy ( Mom is down below)

Mom of the two Terrier Mix Puppies.

IrishMum - They are way more cute then all the babies in baskets pictures I’m seeing all over the web. Love it!
moi - They are adorable! Thanks for your great post on getting a dog to sit still during a photo shoot.