Somehow I just end up with a excess of puppies needing homes… These are no exception. These are Shih Tzu/ Beagle mixes available for adoption next week…. I know most of my readers are not local, but I just couldn’t help sharing the overwhelming cuteness of this bunch! If you are interested please email me. GOOD homes are a must!
Ok… so I KNOW its January… but with the holidays and late film returns from some of our labs we decided to push our post date back a few weeks. SO the bad news… this is late. The GOOD news is that you will get to enjoy another post in just a few short weeks! This ended up being a pretty long post… if you get bored with all the images… please scroll down to the end and jump on my dear Sharon Kain’s Blog and follow out the circle
So when I started this project, I had been shooting film for just a few weeks. I think I had a bit of a lucky start and honestly thought to myself.. why do people think this is so hard?!?!? So far up to this point, other than having problems with manual focusing…(not relying on a fancy focusing system) I think I have done a pretty good job for a beginner. I am still developing my own black and white film, and am starting to try new developers and techniques.
It was bound to happen… and now it has.
Either that, or I DO NOT like Tmax 3200 … Or my scanning skills still need work… OR a combination of all three.
So for those who are a bit foggy on film speeds. The higher the number ISO, the less light needed for exposure. Some people think of these as “action” film… I chose to use it as low light film. So low in fact that I chose to use it at night… at our town’s Christmas Parade. Yes… I can see now where this may NOT have been the best choice of lighting situations for my first try. But… what am I going to do now, but show you what I promised to do… show the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
This is the Ugly. Please don’t hold it against me. TMax3200| 35mm EOS3 Film Camera| 50mm 1.2 lens
I promise to try 3200 again sometime in the future…but for now, its off my list of preferred films. I am however excited to see what my fellow film buddies have managed to get with it…
But before you go, I wanted to share some of my SUCCESS! These were images shot for last month (Porta 400 with a 35mm Rebel X and 50mm 1.2 lens) that didn’t make it into the post because I was late sending in my film… something I have resolved to remedy in the upcoming months! These were taken at the New Orleans City Park on a visit with my sister, Shanon. We had a great time and can’t wait to go back:
And FINALLY… Some of you may remember this image I posted on Facebook around the time of the trip… Coley wanted to take OUR picture so I gave her my Rebel Film camera :
Well I am proud to present to you some of the very earliest film work by none other than Coley Grace Potter herself. Rebel X Film Camera/ Portra 400. Copyright 2012 Coley Potter Photography.
Sorry to have taken up so much of your time… I just hate that I missed posting these last go round! Now go check out Sharon Kain and make the rounds! Hopefully they had much better success than I did!

Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one – I didn’t like my tmax either but I actually like the last 2 from your night parade – I think they work! And your portra shots are great. But, I’ve got to say those shots from Coley are fabulous!
Rachel! I adore the motorcycle and the old car pic – the film choice just adds so much to the mood!! Coley’s expression while she’s on the float is priceless too. Love the Portra too – that one of you and Coley on the ride is a favorite, and her holding the big camera. And I’m obsessed by little kid shoes/feet, so the cowboy boots just make me smile too.
Ooooo! Good for you to try out Tmax 3200. These are beautiful shots. My favorite from the parade would be the 2nd to the last one of Coley. Well, let’s talk about the ones from NOLA! Wow!! And the ones shot by Coley….seriously!?! Like mama like daughter! I think you have something very special there indeed!
I thought I recoginized that park. I am from New Orleans. Any chance you offer sessions when you visit. I am dying for a film session of my family, but can not find anyone local.
I’m sure we will be back before too long. going to the Iris parade but that will be a quick trip..friend me on Facebook and next time I’m comingwe can try to work something out!
Good for you for trying something new and for being so brave to shoot at night! Your successes are gorgeous, your ‘failure’ are not really failures, just another step in learning, right?
These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
Well! As much as you don’t like the 3200 shots from the parade I actually quite like them, especially the car one. I think you are doing amazing with your film work and pushing yourself to get out there and keep experimenting. Ok now the NOLA ones…perfection! And glad I get to be one of the one’s who witnessed Coley’s journey to greatness (i.e., the formative years).
Rachel, You are way to hard on yourself. I think you rocked the parade pictures. The film gave then such an americana feel. Truly. I especially love the 6th images of the two girls sitting together in their pjs. It’s perfect!!! And, I love the NOLA ones too. I just love Porta 400.
[…] For the Love of Film post. Stop back on Jan 16th for the next installment. Now, please click here to check out what my dear friend, Rachel, is sharing for her challenge. She is […]
I think you’re being way too hard on yourself! I am also a fan of the motorcycle shot!!! Now the NOLA images – perfection!!! Love the horizontal carousel shot!!!
I love! the second image at the parade! And am very partial to the one of you with your daughter in the roll coaster. Your daughter definitely has skill. Very impressive!
Great images! Love the grain!!
[…] the Love of Film post. Stop back on February 20th for the next installment. Now, please click here to check out what my dear friend, Rachel, is sharing for her challenge. I am sure it will be […]
This session was extra special to me, because I’ve known Maggie for most of her life. Albeit that is only 6 months- but that fact just makes these images even more amazing. I first met Maggie as her pediatrician. Even at her first visit I could tell she had something special about her. At every subsequent visit she became even more poised and had a great personality. I am sure a good part of this is due to the fact that she has amazing parents who know how important good loving discipline is! She was a ROCKSTAR for her shoot! She did what we asked ….well, except for the elf hat… and was a great poser for the camera. I really think this pup is going places! I hope you enjoy the images from her session as much as we had making them!

oh my!! she is just as gorgeous as she was a pup! I see why you call her a movie star, she is perfect and unbelievably gorgeous! Love the elf hat!
These are stunning images of a beautiful dog!
Reena, this isn’t Luna. I am just lucky to be surrounded by beautiful huskies!
Maggie is a beautiful example of the husky breed. Thank you Brady and TyAnn for giving her such a wonderful loving home! Beautiful, Beautiful!!!
Incredible images!
She looks a lot like I imagine Luna will as she grows. Maggie is just so lovely, what a sweet face!!!! She looks kinda mad about that elf hat though :). Beautiful imagery as always.
I die a little. This pup is soooooooo cute!!!! Awesome job, as always, Rachel!
Love these so much! You are amazing!
These are beautiful!! Excellent work!
Rachel, not sure how I missed these but these are fantastic! Love every one of them!!!!
~For the Love of Film is a collaborative group project of some dear photography friends of mine. We endeavored to start a group where we could share our experiences in film photography. We are on many different levels of the learning curve, and love learning from each other.~
So here it is our second month and I’ve already messed up! One thing that I still need to get used to is waiting.
Waiting on you shot.
Waiting on your film to be developed.
Waiting to see how you did and how you can improve.
I’m not very good at waiting.
Last weekend I spent the most amazing time in New Orleans with my sister and my daughter. We went to New Orleans City Park ( you have to go! ) and I took ONLY my film camera. This was a VERY big step for me. To trust those memories to film. To trust that I had a tiny bit of a clue of what I was doing, so that I had some tangible memories in the end. The entire time I was thinking… THIS will make a great post for this month’s circle! What I completely forgot about was the transit and development time of color film. Last month I submitted at Black and White image that I developed myself. I love the “almost” instant gratification of B&W. With color I am at the mercy of the few film labs that still exist. For those of you reading who are not familiar with modern film photography: Yes, they still do make film. Yes, you can still get it developed. I myself thought this was a thing of the past until a few months ago.
I really thought about not posting this month. My images are nothing spectacular. In fact, they are the first color images I have ever shot. They are taken with my Mamiya 645 Pro, which is a medium format. Shot on Portra 400 with the 80mm 1.9 lens and manual focus (ugh!) As I was considering bowing out of the circle this month, I started thinking about the reason I STARTED shooting film (other than the fact that my good buddy, Michael Foster, made me do it).
It was to try something new.
It was to learn the art.
It was to slow down and enjoy the mistakes and have fun.
So here is me… my new, my mistakes, my art, and my fun:
I was using this first roll to practice my exposures and focus. All subjects were begged by me to stand as still as possible while I fiddled with my manual focus… some were more enthusiastic than others 😉
At the end of the images, please follow the link to Sharon Kain, the next photographer in the circle!
Now follow the circle on to Sharon Kain!

Rachel – I’m so impressed with these! I also loved reading your thoughts – I need to print that and post by my computer: slow down, try something new, learn the art, enjoy the mistakes, and HAVE FUN. Very inspiring!!
I’m with you with the waiting part – Can’t stand it sometimes! But are you kidding me – these are fantastic. Look at your focus – they are spot on!
Rachel, I’m glad you posted instead of skipping this month! Great job with your manual focus – it’s definitely slower than digital. ;). The first 4 images of the father & son are precious – I’m sure they loved them!
Rachel, these are all beautiful. I loved reading your thoughts and like Kim, need to print and remind myself of this daily. Thank you for sharing your art.
So impressed by these! The focus is amazing. I’m practicing with manual focus and still haven’t got the hang of it. Inspiring!
Rachel!!! I’m so glad you decided to post. I think these are pretty spectacular for your first shots with color film AND manual focus!!! Love his expression on the last one – pure torture at having to sit still for you LOL!!!
Made you do it, huh? Guilty as charged. 😉
Rachel, I too am glad you posted and shared you early work. I think it is wonderful. Plus it is realistic and inspirational for those of us wanting to put our toes into the water of the film world. Thank you! P.S. I think these are wonderful!
Welcome! You have stumbled upon a new collaborated effort of some fellow photographer friends. I was totally surprised by the invite to be a part of this group as I had only been shooting film for a total of two weeks… but the support and friendship of this circle has been awesome and now I’m not only shooting, but developing my own black and white film!
Each month we will have a different theme consisting of Film Type/ Camera Type / Lighting Situation. This month our theme was a free-for-all… Posters Choice!
So here we are: Mamiya 645 Pro ( Medium Format) w/ 80mm 1.9 / TMax 100/ Outdoors on an Overcast Day:
Now follow along the circle to Sharon Kain! And check us out next month!

[…] the Love of Film” post. Stop back on Nov 21st for the next installment. Now, please click here to check out what my dear friend, Rachel, is sharing for her challenge. She is amazing! Filed in: […]
Beautiful tones and perfect focus Rachel!
Rachel!!! This is fantastic and I’m so impressed that you’re doing your own processing!
Oh Rachel – I love this, great expression and you are my new hero doing your own developing!! So glad you joined us!!
Rachel I am in awe of your mad developing skills and beautiful black and white exposures. All I can say is FABULOUS!!!
Rachel, I just love this shot! For someone who just got started with film, I’d say you’re off to a fabulous start!!
Oh my! This is incredible Rachel! I can’t believe you only started film just a few weeks ago and now you are developing your own. This black and white is beautifully creamy…is that even a word to describe B&W images? Nothing compares to the feel of film! LOVE!!
Wow….This is gorgeous, Rachel. I’m with the others, most impressive that you doing your own developing! I look foward to following your project.
Rachel, this shot blows me away!! You totally rock film and are my inspiration to try to do some developing!
Rachel, this is beautiful and I adore his sweet smile looking up at you.
This is absolutely adorable. I love the composition and conversion.